Can't embed flash mp3 player in my page
(too old to reply)
2008-11-09 23:54:49 UTC

I can't seem to install my flash mp3 player correctly. This is the first
website I've ever made and I'm using Netobjects Fusion 9.0 to build it.

I used the "Flash Tool" to insert the "ep_player.swf" object. All I get is a
"skin xml not found." I have all of the files in the same folder. I can add
the mp3's,their titles and pics for each track without problems. And, when I
open the "example_nobius_platinum.html" file in my browsers (IE7 and
Firefox), it all plays flawlessly. I've also tried to embed the code from
the "example_nobius_platinum.html", but all I got then was, "To view the
E-Phonic MP3 Player you will need to have Javascript turned on and have
Flash Player 9 or better installed." But, I do have Javascript turned on and
I have the latest version of Flash Player installed. I honestly don't know
what else to do.

I should add, that when I say it won't install, I'm looking at the page
through the "page preview" tab, the "preview site tab," and I've published
the page to my hard drive and looked at it in both Firefox and IE 7.

Here is the code in case anyone needs to see it.:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">



<TITLE> Title of Page will be generated by NetObjects Fusion. </TITLE>

<SCRIPT SRC="swfobject.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>

<!-- NetObjects Fusion Generated HEAD HTML-->


<BODY NetObjects Fusion Generated BODY Parameters >

<!-- NetObjects Fusion Generated BODY -->



I get this message also:

Line: 87
Char: 3
Error: 'SWFObject' is undefined
Code: 0

Hopefully, someone can help me out. Thank you for your time.

2008-12-09 06:44:54 UTC
Hi Murdock,

Have you tried doing a test publish locally and to your host to see if it
works... sometimes Windows and Browsers have issues with the security of
flash and javascript running in Windows.

Try making a test directory on your host and publish your site and see if it
works. Let us know how you make out and include a link to the test page if
you can.

I hope the above helps.


Post by Lateef
I can't seem to install my flash mp3 player correctly. This is the first
website I've ever made and I'm using Netobjects Fusion 9.0 to build it.
I used the "Flash Tool" to insert the "ep_player.swf" object. All I get is a
"skin xml not found." I have all of the files in the same folder. I can add
the mp3's,their titles and pics for each track without problems. And, when I
open the "example_nobius_platinum.html" file in my browsers (IE7 and
Firefox), it all plays flawlessly. I've also tried to embed the code from
the "example_nobius_platinum.html", but all I got then was, "To view the
E-Phonic MP3 Player you will need to have Javascript turned on and have
Flash Player 9 or better installed." But, I do have Javascript turned on and
I have the latest version of Flash Player installed. I honestly don't know
what else to do.
I should add, that when I say it won't install, I'm looking at the page
through the "page preview" tab, the "preview site tab," and I've published
the page to my hard drive and looked at it in both Firefox and IE 7.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<TITLE> Title of Page will be generated by NetObjects Fusion. </TITLE>
<SCRIPT SRC="swfobject.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>
<!-- NetObjects Fusion Generated HEAD HTML-->
<BODY NetObjects Fusion Generated BODY Parameters >
<!-- NetObjects Fusion Generated BODY -->
Line: 87
Char: 3
Error: 'SWFObject' is undefined
Code: 0
Hopefully, someone can help me out. Thank you for your time.