(too old to reply)
Nevis Island Tourism
2007-03-19 14:53:28 UTC
Has anybody else had a bad experience with these people besides me, or
am I just unlucky. I purchased their webmaster gold component package
less that a year ago, but when I go to login and download a component,
I get the message that I have an incorrect password and login, I doubt
RoboForm changed it on me ;) I have unsuccessfully tried to email
them on numerous occasion but alas no luck. Now today I try to go to
their site AGAIN and it is down for maintenance. I am worried that by
the time I get hold of anybody that my subscription will expire, and
they will want me to renew again for products I have already paid for.

I am posting here in the hope that the owner/owners of FusionUser.com
might read these groups.
Chuck «BeyondFusion»
2007-03-19 17:34:54 UTC
I'm sure you'll be taken care of.

The site's ISP had a hard drive crash a while back and the site owner has
been working ever since to get things back to normal.
Chuck Joslin
BeyondFusion.com - Your Fusion Community

Register domain names at www.awavedomains.com
Post by Nevis Island Tourism
Has anybody else had a bad experience with these people besides me, or
am I just unlucky. I purchased their webmaster gold component package
less that a year ago, but when I go to login and download a component,
I get the message that I have an incorrect password and login, I doubt
RoboForm changed it on me ;) I have unsuccessfully tried to email
them on numerous occasion but alas no luck. Now today I try to go to
their site AGAIN and it is down for maintenance. I am worried that by
the time I get hold of anybody that my subscription will expire, and
they will want me to renew again for products I have already paid for.
I am posting here in the hope that the owner/owners of FusionUser.com
might read these groups.
Nevis Island Tourism
2007-03-19 21:06:08 UTC
Thanks Chuck, as usual always up on the latest info.

Cheers, Mike

On Mon, 19 Mar 2007 13:34:54 -0400, Chuck «BeyondFusion»
Post by Chuck «BeyondFusion»
I'm sure you'll be taken care of.
The site's ISP had a hard drive crash a while back and the site owner has
been working ever since to get things back to normal.
2007-03-23 22:20:01 UTC
Nevis Island Tourism wrote:
I purchased their webmaster gold component package
Post by Nevis Island Tourism
less that a year ago,
They should refund a percentage of money taking into account the
percentage of the website which is yet to reach fully usability.
