(too old to reply)
Jay Houston
2007-10-22 17:05:50 UTC
(Copied from NOF Gen-Disc forum)
This is my first shot at using this feature. All three components: Admin,
Article List, and Article have been built and are reflecting on the site.
Here is the problem. According to the instructions in NOF 9.0 User manual
for this component, there should be a data base to which the component
writes. It appears to indicate that the component builds the database and by
default names it news.csv. Problem, I cannot find the database (this file)
anywhere after publishing the site. I get the following error:
[Error 540] Directory '/var/www/html/db' does not exist. You must create it
and give it proper permissions so the webserver user can write into it.

Again, there are no indications in the instructions (that I found) that I
needed to create the DB. I am not a back end guy so building a DB is a
little out of my league. Thougts...help?

Chuck «BeyondFusion»
2007-10-22 18:29:34 UTC
Answered your first post..... no need to cross post.
Chuck Joslin
BeyondFusion.com - Your Fusion Community

Register domain names at www.awavedomains.com
Post by Jay Houston
(Copied from NOF Gen-Disc forum)
This is my first shot at using this feature. All three components: Admin,
Article List, and Article have been built and are reflecting on the site.
Here is the problem. According to the instructions in NOF 9.0 User manual
for this component, there should be a data base to which the component
writes. It appears to indicate that the component builds the database and by
default names it news.csv. Problem, I cannot find the database (this file)
[Error 540] Directory '/var/www/html/db' does not exist. You must create it
and give it proper permissions so the webserver user can write into it.
Again, there are no indications in the instructions (that I found) that I
needed to create the DB. I am not a back end guy so building a DB is a
little out of my league. Thougts...help?