NOF Secure Site
(too old to reply)
"Steve K" stevekarr.com>
2007-01-16 22:38:19 UTC
OK- I read all the posts and followed the documentation (several times).

I am testing Secure Site using PHP settings. I made permission settings on
"scripts" and "db" folders 777.

My test site has navigation to all pages:

Sign up component is on "signup page" (this works).

Login component is on "login" page. The success page is set to "protected"

The "protected" page has the secure page component with access denied set to
"sorry" page.

Sign up works fine.

When I log in, I am directed to "sorry" page.

Same when loging in as administrator.

I have components set to debug but I get no error message- just directed to
access denied page (sorry.html)

The url is www.stevekarr.com/secure
Regular Username: steve
Password: 123456

Admin username: Admin
Password: 123456

Specific questions I could not find answers to in previous posts:
1) what file permission setting to use? 755? 777?
2) what folders to set file permissions on?
3) do I need to set file permissions on files or just folders?

Thanks in advance!

-Steve K.
Steve K
2007-01-17 20:49:11 UTC
Can anyone explain this line from the documentation:
"It is advisable that you contact your ISP to find out who is the user under
which the Web server runs and grant it with writing permission (755)."

This is weird english to me: "user under which the Web server runs "

Is it referring to permission settings on a directory or file?

-Steve K
