Guestbook Folder Error
(too old to reply)
2007-01-24 20:32:42 UTC
Hello. Just testing out adding a guestbook to my website and I get the
following error message with Debug turned on:

[Error 540] Directory
'/homepages/21/d95186301/htdocs/WebRoot2/Welcome/scripts/../db' does not
exist. You must create it and give it proper permissions so the
webserver user can write into it.

The "Welcome" page points to the page with the Guestbook component (and
below the Guestbook component is the Guestbook Admin page). Based on
the error message I created the "scripts" directory as well as the "db"
folder directly under it. But I'm not sure that's where "db" really
should appear (is there supposed to be something else where the ".."
appears in the error message?). I've given full permissions for the
three folders here (../Welcome/scripts/db/), but no joy. Any ideas on
what I'm missing here would be very much appreciated. The server
supports PHP scripting.


Rob Andrews
2007-01-27 09:15:37 UTC
The folder db needs to be in the root folder same place as html folder.
sripts folder and assets folder. you need to give write access to it so the
program can create the xls file
hope this helps
Post by Singer
Hello. Just testing out adding a guestbook to my website and I get the
[Error 540] Directory
'/homepages/21/d95186301/htdocs/WebRoot2/Welcome/scripts/../db' does not
exist. You must create it and give it proper permissions so the
webserver user can write into it.
The "Welcome" page points to the page with the Guestbook component (and
below the Guestbook component is the Guestbook Admin page). Based on
the error message I created the "scripts" directory as well as the "db"
folder directly under it. But I'm not sure that's where "db" really
should appear (is there supposed to be something else where the ".."
appears in the error message?). I've given full permissions for the
three folders here (../Welcome/scripts/db/), but no joy. Any ideas on
what I'm missing here would be very much appreciated. The server
supports PHP scripting.