URL in News compnenet
(too old to reply)
Jos Roijakkers
2007-11-18 17:49:01 UTC
It has probably been asked before, but is it possible to embed an URL in
the body of a news article?
I tried to insetr a standerd <a href> tag, but when published it showed up
as text in the news message. Looking at the source of the page, I saw that
the > and < characters were transformed to &gt; and &lt;.

I am using the NOF9 News component.

Jos Roijakkers
Jos Roijakkers
2007-11-20 17:19:02 UTC
Since no one responds I gather that HTML-tags are not functional within the
bodytext of a news item. Am I right?
Post by Jos Roijakkers
It has probably been asked before, but is it possible to embed an URL in
the body of a news article?
I tried to insetr a standerd <a href> tag, but when published it showed up
as text in the news message. Looking at the source of the page, I saw that
the>> and < characters were transformed to &gt; and &lt;.
Post by Jos Roijakkers
I am using the NOF9 News component.
Jos Roijakkers