Secure Site Basics Help Needed
(too old to reply)
2007-08-10 19:02:55 UTC
I must be missing something very basic. I'm trying to utilize the Secure
Site components. I created a site structure (several actually) including
one that mimics the one in the online tutorial.

I drag & drop the various components on to the various pages (signup on to
the signup page, admin on to the admin page, login on to the login page,
etc). Each time I drop a component on a page, a setup dialog appears and I
set it up. I see the 'gray images' on the pages & all looks good.

When I go to publish the site either locally or on the host site, I get the
following error message:
Can't copy file: C:\Program Files\NetObjects\NetObjects Fusion
9.0\NetObjects System\Profiles\SRochest\SecureSite\SecureSite.xml
The system cannot find the file specified.

When I go to this directory, it's true that "SecureSite.xml " does not
exist. But, "SecureSite<component_id>.xml" does. (Replace the
<component_id> with the appropriate component id.)

In the Publish Components dialog, I have the NOF Secure Site 'checked'.

I've pawed through the manual a/ tutorials and it seems that all you need to
do is drop the various components on a page and it magically works...

Am I doing something wrong; what am I missing?

Thanks for any advice you can give!
Bill Scala
2007-08-13 14:14:50 UTC
Try Unchecking the NOF Secure Site box in the Publish

- Bill S
Post by Steve
I must be missing something very basic. I'm trying to utilize the Secure
Site components. I created a site structure (several actually) including
one that mimics the one in the online tutorial.
I drag & drop the various components on to the various pages (signup on to
the signup page, admin on to the admin page, login on to the login page,
etc). Each time I drop a component on a page, a setup dialog appears and
I set it up. I see the 'gray images' on the pages & all looks good.
When I go to publish the site either locally or on the host site, I get
Can't copy file: C:\Program Files\NetObjects\NetObjects Fusion
9.0\NetObjects System\Profiles\SRochest\SecureSite\SecureSite.xml
The system cannot find the file specified.
When I go to this directory, it's true that "SecureSite.xml " does not
exist. But, "SecureSite<component_id>.xml" does. (Replace the
<component_id> with the appropriate component id.)
In the Publish Components dialog, I have the NOF Secure Site 'checked'.
I've pawed through the manual a/ tutorials and it seems that all you need
to do is drop the various components on a page and it magically works...
Am I doing something wrong; what am I missing?
Thanks for any advice you can give!
2007-08-14 20:18:04 UTC
Thanks Bill - This worked. I also had to publish to my host instead of
locally. The combination of these 2 changes make my secure site publish.
Post by Bill Scala
Try Unchecking the NOF Secure Site box in the Publish
- Bill S
Post by Steve
I must be missing something very basic. I'm trying to utilize the Secure
Site components. I created a site structure (several actually) including
one that mimics the one in the online tutorial.
I drag & drop the various components on to the various pages (signup on
to the signup page, admin on to the admin page, login on to the login
page, etc). Each time I drop a component on a page, a setup dialog
appears and I set it up. I see the 'gray images' on the pages & all
looks good.
When I go to publish the site either locally or on the host site, I get
Can't copy file: C:\Program Files\NetObjects\NetObjects Fusion
9.0\NetObjects System\Profiles\SRochest\SecureSite\SecureSite.xml
The system cannot find the file specified.
When I go to this directory, it's true that "SecureSite.xml " does not
exist. But, "SecureSite<component_id>.xml" does. (Replace the
<component_id> with the appropriate component id.)
In the Publish Components dialog, I have the NOF Secure Site 'checked'.
I've pawed through the manual a/ tutorials and it seems that all you need
to do is drop the various components on a page and it magically works...
Am I doing something wrong; what am I missing?
Thanks for any advice you can give!