How to install Coolmaps components in Fusion 9
(too old to reply)
Ali Lister
2008-05-16 17:51:26 UTC

I can't remember how to do it. I install the component, it takes the reg
number etc. Then it doesn't know about Fusion 9 but is looking for Fusion 7
etc. Nothing gets installed. Pl could someone remind me what to do?


Ali Lister
2008-05-16 19:34:12 UTC
Please help. Have mailed Coolmaps too. Client only has Fusion 9. Coolmaps
won't install because of old installer. Any idea whether I can copy the
Coolmaps directory from my Fusion 9 to hers (because I have them from many
version of Fusion before, all licensed) provided that she has paid for a
licence herself? I know. Ask Coolmaps.. :(

Or will the Coolmaps components be looking to see whether there is a reg.
number somewhere?

What a pain this is. I bet someone knows. Please?

Post by Ali Lister
I can't remember how to do it. I install the component, it takes the reg
number etc. Then it doesn't know about Fusion 9 but is looking for Fusion
7 etc. Nothing gets installed. Pl could someone remind me what to do?
the other Chuck
2008-05-17 03:32:04 UTC
Assuming all is legit, just copy the Coolmaps Folder from the Components
Folder from one place to another. Should be as simple as that. In earlier
versions, when compatible version to version, that was an acceptable way of
migrating to my knowledge.

Post by Ali Lister
Please help. Have mailed Coolmaps too. Client only has Fusion 9. Coolmaps
won't install because of old installer. Any idea whether I can copy the
Coolmaps directory from my Fusion 9 to hers (because I have them from many
version of Fusion before, all licensed) provided that she has paid for a
licence herself? I know. Ask Coolmaps.. :(
Or will the Coolmaps components be looking to see whether there is a reg.
number somewhere?
What a pain this is. I bet someone knows. Please?
Post by Ali Lister
I can't remember how to do it. I install the component, it takes the reg
number etc. Then it doesn't know about Fusion 9 but is looking for Fusion
7 etc. Nothing gets installed. Pl could someone remind me what to do?
Ali Lister
2008-05-17 12:08:10 UTC
Hi Chuck,

I will give it a go.

I am still waiting to hear from Coolmaps.

Thanks so much for responding.

Best wishes.

Post by the other Chuck
Assuming all is legit, just copy the Coolmaps Folder from the Components
Folder from one place to another. Should be as simple as that. In
earlier versions, when compatible version to version, that was an
acceptable way of migrating to my knowledge.
Post by Ali Lister
Please help. Have mailed Coolmaps too. Client only has Fusion 9. Coolmaps
won't install because of old installer. Any idea whether I can copy the
Coolmaps directory from my Fusion 9 to hers (because I have them from
many version of Fusion before, all licensed) provided that she has paid
for a licence herself? I know. Ask Coolmaps.. :(
Or will the Coolmaps components be looking to see whether there is a reg.
number somewhere?
What a pain this is. I bet someone knows. Please?
Post by Ali Lister
I can't remember how to do it. I install the component, it takes the reg
number etc. Then it doesn't know about Fusion 9 but is looking for
Fusion 7 etc. Nothing gets installed. Pl could someone remind me what to